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Screamplays is coming
June 13, 2011
Today I received a box of Advance Reader Copies form Cemetery Dance (something I purchased; they don’t give me freebies) and much to my surprise one of the books was Screamplays which includes an introduction from Dean.
Yes folks, similar to my book, this one’s been a long time coming. It lists a copyright date of 1997 and a publication date of 2011. My book might just be second in delayed publication to this book. (I was contracted in 2000.) I’ll get a scan of the cover up as soon as I can but at the moment, the computer my scanner is connected to is dead and in need of new RAM.
Update 6/14:
Yeah, those words were a bit dumb as the book was first published by Del Rey back in 1997. (My Koontz collection is so large, it’s easy to forget something in particular every one in a while.)