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Regarding the inclusion of certain pornographic titles and fanzine content on this site
September 2, 2019

When it comes to certain pornographic novel and fanzine content, mostly from the 1970s, Dean denies most of this material as being either published without his knowledge, significantly edited without his input as to make it fundamentally not his work, or written by others and attaching his name without his permission. I mark these items as “denied” in the author field of those entries, and have quoted from when he’s said something about these items specifically or as a category. In some cases I’ll be including quotes from others (Ted White and Piers Anthony for just two examples) that seem to counter what Dean has to say about that item. I am not definitively saying that Dean wrote this material, nor am I saying he didn’t. I am including it because people collect this material as part of their Dean Koontz collection. You’ll need to make your own decision.
I have also blurred certain parts of some book covers to reduce the adult nature of the content.