
The Voice of the Night (BC)

Uncorrected Proof

Release Date: 1980
Format: "Skinny" Trade paperback in plain green wraps
Publisher: Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Page Count: 176 (last page number hand written)
States: "UNCORRECTED PROOF" on cover

Trade Hardcover

Release Date: 1980
Copyright: Copyright © by Dean Koontz
Publisher: Doubleday
Page Count: 277
ISBN-10: 0-385-15258-2
Cover Price: $10.95
States: "First Edition"

Mass Market Paperback

Release Date: August 1981
Copyright: © 1980 by Dean Koontz
“This is an authorized reprint of a hardcover edition published by Doubleday and Company, Inc.”
Publisher: Signet
Page Count: 213
ISBN-10: 0-451-09966-4
Cover Price: $2.75
States: "First Signet Printing, August, 1981” and “1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9”


The Book Review Index lists contemporary Kirkus, Publishers Weekly and Best Sellers reviews under “Dean R. Koontz” not Brian Coffey.

Related items:

Voice of the Night proof inscription to Gary Elswick

Other editions:

UK trade hardcover

Last updated on January 25th, 2021