Night Chills (Screenplay)
See Also: Author's Introduction to Night Chills (DK) Author's Introduction to Night Chills (DRK) Night Chills (DRK) Night Chills (DK)
''Night Chills'' by Robert W. Lenski
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[1], 126 pp. (printed on recto only on blue paper). 11x8½, red paper wrappers, bound with two metal pins. Revised First Draft typescript.
Inscribed and signed by Koontz on the title page: "To Art Stone with all modesty, with my usual humility, with my unfailing self-effacement, I must nevertheless say that the book is a hell of a lot better than this script! Best, Dean R. Koontz (author of book, not(underlined) author of this screenplay - in case you thought this was yet another pen name!)." Old masking tape with inked numbered around middle of spine, perhaps as issued.
''Night Chills'' teleplay by Robert Crais based on the novel by Dean R. Koontz

Stone auction description:
[1], 106 (mechanically reproduced leaves on rectos only). 11x8½, gray Lee Rich Productions wrappers, bound with three metal pins, title lettered on spine. First Draft typescript.
Inscribed and signed by Robert Crais on the title page: "To Art - Beware things that go bump in the might be me or, Robert Crais."
My copy, shown, is obviously not the same copy as described in the Stone auction as it lacks the described autograph.
The authors of these screenplays are not pseudonyms of Dean’s.
Last updated on April 1st, 2018