
Night Chills (DK)

Book Club Edition

Release Date: 1983
Format: Reprint of the Berkley paperback edition
Publisher: Berkley
Page Count: 369
Book Club ID: #00197
UPC and ISBN (same as Berkley paperback) on the back of the dj

Large Print Hardcover

Release Date: December 1997
Publisher: Thomas T. Beeler
Page Count: 431
ISBN-10: 1-57490-107-9
Original List Price: $25.95
States: No statement of printing

The copyright page is the same in the US, UK, and Australian editions and contains the following text and ISBNs:

“Published in large print in 1997 by ISIS Publishing Ltd... and Australian Large Print Audio and Video Pty Ltd... with the permission of Headline Book Publishing Ltd... Published in the United States by arrangement with The Berkeley Publishing Group”
ISBN 1-86340-758-8 (ALPAV Pty Ltd) [Australia]
ISBN 0-7531-5576-1 (ISIS Publishing Ltd) [UK]
ISBN 1-57490-107-9 (Thomas T. Beeler, Publisher) [US]

Whether you have a US or UK/Australian edition have in hand can be identified but the publisher name and/or logo on the back cover and spine. However I have been unable to verify a method for determining the difference between the UK and Australian editions.


Other editions:

Swedish paperback, 1993

Last updated on January 25th, 2021