Books that have Koontz review quotes
Each of the books here contains either on their covers or inside the book, a review quote, or ‘blurb’ from Dean Koontz. In some cases the blurb is for the book and in others for the author. I am not specifying here in this listing. Also, I have listed the year of the publication of the edition containing the relevant blurb. (For example, if the blurb appears on the paperback but did not appear on the hardcover, I have listed the year of the paperback release.) Lastly, in some cases, when the blurb is for the author, more than one title by that author may contain the same blurb.
Also, as a result of how this page is currently laid out, I can insert new titles in the correct position if they fit into the covers below the text list. If not, I can’t insert them in the correct place without breaking things. Therefore, a cover image you’re looking for may be at the bottom of the page.
Title, Author, Publication Year
The 2nd Coming: The Best of Pirate Writings Vol. 2, Edward J. MacFadden III, ed., 2003
- After Midnight, Richard Laymon, 2006
- After the Fall, Judith Kellman, 2000
- All the Rage, F. Paul Wilson, 2001
- Always By My Side, Edward Grinnan, 2017
- Among the Missing, Richard Laymon, 1999
- Angel of Darkness, Charles de Lint, 1990
- Assassin, David Hagberg, 1997
- The Association, Bentley Little, 2001
- Baby Moll, John Farris, 2008
- The Barrens and Others, F. Paul Wilson, 1998
- Beauty, Brian D’Amato, 1992
- The Bedlam Detective, Stephen Gallagher, 2015
- The Best of Pirate Writings Vol. 1, “Edward J. MacFadden III, ed.”, 1998
- Black River Falls, Ed Gorman, 1996
- Black Wind, F. Paul Wilson, 1988
Blood Games, Richard Laymon, 2003
- Blood Moon, Ed Gorman, 1996
- Blood Child, Andrew Neiderman, 1990
- Blood Red Moon (UK) , Ed Gorman, 1994
- Bluebeard’s Castle, S. P. Somtow, 2003
- Body Rides, Richard Laymon, 2004
- Buzz Cut, James W. Hall, 1996
- Cage of Night, Ed Gorman, 1996
- Cages, Ed Gorman, 1995
- Carrion Comfort, Dan Simmons, 1989
- Cases That Haunt Us, John Douglas, 2001
- The Chill, Scott Carson, 2020
- Chiller, Sterling Blake, 1993
- A Choir of Ill Children, Tom Piccirilli, 2006
- The Coil, Gayle Lynds, 2004
- Cold Blue Midnight, Ed Gorman, 1995
- The Collection, Bentley Little, 2002
Come Out Tonight, Richard Laymon, 2005
- Complete Stories, Flannery O’Connor, 2009
- Counterstrike, Sean Flannery (David Hagberg), 1990
- The Cypress House, Michael Koryta, 2011
- The Dark Fantastic, Ed Gorman, 2001
- The Dark Net, Banjamin Percy, 2017
- Dark Tide, Elizabeth Forest, 1993
- Dark Universe, William F. Nolan, 2003
- Darkness Tell Us, Richard Laymon, 2003
- Darwin’s Doubt, Stephen C. Meyer, 2013
- Daughter of Darkness, Ed Gorman, 1998
- Death on the Cheap, Arthur Lyons, 2000
- Declare, Tim Powers, 2002
- Death Watch, Elizabeth Forest, 1995
- Desert Fire, David Hagberg, 1993
- Double Threat, F. Paul Wilson, 2021
- The Dwyer Trilogy, Ed Gorman, 1996
- Eden’s Gate, David Hagberg, 2001
The Empty Copper Sea, John D. MacDonald, 1996
- Endless Night, Richard Laymon, 2004
- Erthmun (UK), T.M. Wright, 1995
- Every Dog Has a Gift, Rachel McPherson, 2010
- Eyes of the Virgin, Thomas F. Monteleone, 2003
- False Prophets, Sean Flannery, 1983
- First Blood, David Morell, 2000
- The First Lady, E.J. Gorman, 1995
- Forever Dogs, Tricia Spencer, 2021
- The Forsaken, Daniel Ransom (Ed Gorman), 1988
- Frankenstorm, Ray Garton, 2014
- Funland, Richard Laymon, 1990
- Gateways, F. Paul Wilson, 2003
- The Gathering Dark, Christopher Golden, 2003
- Ghost: Investigating the Other Side, Katherine Ramsland, 2001,
- Ghosts and Grisly Things, Ramsey Campbell, 1998,
Ghouls, Edward Lee, 2011
- The Glory Bus, Richard Laymon, 2005
- Grass, Sheri S. Tepper, 1989
- Green Ripper, John D. MacDonald, 1996
- Harbingers, F. Paul Wilson, 2006
- Harlot’s Moon, Ed Gorman, 1997
- The Haunted Air, F. Paul Wilson, 2002
- Hawk Moon, Ed Gorman, 1996
- High Flight, David Hagberg, 1995
- Homecoming, Matthew J. Costello, 1992
- Hosts, F. Paul Wilson, 2001
- How It Happened, Michael Koryta, 2018
- I Am Legend, Richard Matheson, 1995
- I Am Legend (UK), Richard Matheson, 2010
- If She Wakes by Michael Kroyta, 2019
- In the Dark, Richard Laymon, 2001
- The Incredible Shrinking Man, Richard Matheson, 2001
Inspector of the Dead, David Morrell, 2015
- Into the Deep (for Replay), Ken Greenwood, 1995
- Into the Fire, Richard Laymon, 2005
- Island, Richard Laymon, 2002
- The Jigsaw Man, Deanie Francis Mills, 1997
- Journey Into Dankness, John Douglas, 1997
- The Killer Across the Table, John Douglas & Mark Olshaker, 2019
- Kilo Option, Sean Flannery, 1996
- L.A. Requiem, Robert Crais, 1999
- The Lake, Richard Laymon, 2004
- Lamia by Tristin Travis, 1984
- The Last Rakosh, F. Paul Wilson, 2005
- The Last Vampire (UK), T.M. Wright, 1991
- The Last Voice They Hear, Ramsey Campbell, 1998
- Laughing Man, T.M. Wright, 2003
- Legacies, F. Paul Wilson, 1998
Lessons From a Lifetime of Writing, David Morrell, 2002
- The Light Shines on in the Darkness, Robert Spitzer, 2017
- Live Girls, Ray Garton, 1987
- The Long Lavender Look , John D. MacDonald, 1996
- Long Lost, David Morrell, 2003
- The Long Midnight, Daniel Ransom (Ed Gorman), 1993
- Love Me Not, Deanie Francis Mills, 1995
- The M.D., Thomas M. Disch, 1991
- The Maddening, a.k.a. Playmates Andrew Neiderman, 1995
- The Marilyn Tapes, E.J. Gorman, 1995
- The Marriage Pact, Michelle Richmond, 2017
- Medusa’s Web, Tim Powers, 2015
Midnight’s Lair, Richard Laymon, 1988
- Moonchasers, Ed Gorman, 1996
- More Than You Know, Judith Kellman, 1996
- Moving Targets, Sean Flannery, 1992
- Murder as a Fine Art, David Morrell, 2013
- The Need (for Playmates), Andrew Neiderman, 1992
- Night in the Lonesome October, Richard Laymon, 2002
- Night Kills, Ed Gorman, 1990
- Night Relics, James P. Blaylock, 1994
- Night Show, Richard Laymon, 1984
- Nightmare, With Angel Stephen Gallagher, 1995
- Nightmare Child, Daniel Ransom (Ed Gorman), 1990
The Nightmare Chronicles, Douglas Clegg, 1999
- The Nightrunners, Joe R. Lansdale, 1995
- No Sanctuary, Richard Laymon, 2003
- Now You See It, Richard Matheson, 2003
- One Rainy Night (UK), Richard Laymon, 1991
- One Rainy Night (US), Richard Laymon, 2000
- Ordeal, Deanie Francis Mills, 1997
- Other Kingdom, Richard Matheson, 2011
- Out are the Lights, Richard Laymon, 1993
- The Panic Zone, Rick Mofina, 2010
- The Pavilion of Frozen Women (UK), S.P. Somtow, 1997
- Perfect Little Angels (for Playmates), Andrew Neiderman, 1989
- Phantom Nights, John Farris, 2005
- The Poker Club, Ed Gorman, 1999
The Priest (for The M.D.), Thomas M. Disch, 1995
- Pukka’s Promise, Ted Kerasote, 2013
- The Quake, Richard Laymon, 1995
- Quick Fixes: Tales of Repairman Jack, F. Paul Wilson, 2011
- Red Red Robin, Stephen Gallagher, 1995
- Replay, Ken Grimwood, 1998
- Rescued, Peter Zheutlin, 2017
- Resurrection Dreams, Richard Laymon, 2005
- The Return, Bentley Little, 2002
- The Return of the God Hypothesis, Stephen C. Meyer, 2021
- The Ridge, Michael Koryta, 2011
- Rise the Dark, Michael Koryta, 2016
- Rituals, Ed Gorman, 2002
- The Ruler of the Night, David Morrell, 2017
- Runner in the Dark (UK), Ed Gorman, 1996
- Savage, Richard Laymon, 1993
Saving Gracie, Carol Bradley, 2010
- The School, T.M. Wright, 1990
- The Search for Joseph Tully, William H. Hallahan, 1974
- Senatorial Privilege, E.J. Gorman, 1997
- The Serpent’s Kiss, Daniel Ransom (Ed Gorman), 1992
- Shadow Games, Ed Gorman, 1994
- Shadow Stalker, Jorge Saralegui, 1987
- Signalz, F. Paul Wilson, 2020
- Soft and Others, F. Paul Wilson, 1990
- Soldier of God, David Hagberg, 2005
- Something Other Than God, Jennifer Fullwiler, 2014
- Son of Endless Night, John Farris, 2013 (eBook)
- Song of Kali, Dan Simmons, 1998
- The Soul’s Upward Yearning, Robert Spitzer, 2015
- The Stake, Richard Laymon, 1995
- The Successful Novelist, David Morrell, 2008
- Surrogate Child (for Playmates), Andrew Neiderman, 1998
Swan Song, Roger McCammon, 1987
- Three Days to Never: A Novel, Tim Powers, 2006
- Torch, Deanie Francis Mills, 1999
- To Wake the Dead, Richard Laymon, 2003
- Tread Softly, Richard Laymon, 1987
- The War on Humans, Wesley J. Smith, 2014
- Undeniable, Douglas Axe, 2016
- Vanitas, S.P. Somtow, 1988
- Voodoo Moon, Ed Gorman, 2000
- Will Wilder: The Lost Staff of Wonders, Raymond Arroyo, 2018
- William F. Noaln’s Dark Universe, William F. Nolan, 2001
- Winner Take All, Sean Flannery, 1994
- Witch, Donald E. McQuinn, 1995
- What Dreams May Come, Richard Matheson, 2004
- White House, David Hagberg, 1999
- Will Wilder: The Relic of Perilous Falls, Raymond Arroyo, 2016
Woman, Richard Matheson, 2004
- Write Tight, William Brohaugh, 2007
- The Zebra Network, Sean Flannery, 1989