Beastchild – Preferred Text
See Also: Beastchild (novella) Beastchild When I was Twenty-Four and Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (DRK) When I was Twenty-Four and Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (DK)
Limited Edition Hardcovers
Author’s Preface copyright © 1992 by Nkui, Inc.
Art copyright © 1992 by Pamela Lee


From the Charnel House Web site:
“When Dean checked the proofs for this book he wanted to know why Charnel House felt the need to rewrite his twenty year old novel. It turned out that the publisher of the paperback original did and it was this source that was used as manuscript that the proofs were made from. Eventually Dean’s paper trail led to his original manuscript and Beastchild was for the first time whole and published as it was written. But you know this because you read the new introduction that Dean wrote for the Charnel House edition.”
Last updated on September 3rd, 2018
Thank you for putting all of the books on one site! And I love the search feature!
You’re welcome.