A promotional bookmark for this title was released which promoted the paperback edition of Seize the Night on the back side.
The 10/01/99 issue of Library Journal contained a pull-out section from Random House which included an ad for this title.
A “collector’s edition” on CD was also made available through BooksOnTape.com. Cover price: $49.95.
The paperback edition of Seize the Night has unnumbered pages 447-456 including an advertisement for and the first eight pages of False Memory.
From Psychiatry in Law/Law in Psychiatry, Volume 2 by Ralph Slovenko
Bruner-Routledge, 2002, Chapter 12: Regulation of the Practice of Psychotherapy, p889
“In the popular novel False Memory, Dean Koontz wrote, ‘A therapist without finesse can easily, unwittingly implant false memories. Any hypnotized subject is vulnerable. And if the therapist has an agenda and isn’t ethical…’ Koontz’s psychiatrist is an utterly evil character with no sympathetic qualities whatsoever. Koontz clearly wished to portray him as a modern Satan (and he signals that at the outset by naming him Dr. Ahriman, the name of the Zoroastrian devil). He is the most frightening villain in any of Koontz’s novels. But the problem is not utterly evil characters; they are found out – much more difficult are the legions of well-intentioned therapists who unwittingly create the environments that foster false memories or other inept psychotherapy. In response to my inquiry, Koontz said:
“Indeed, there is need to set standards for those that want to use the term “psychotherapist.” But there should also be meaningful peer review and discipline for those erring practitioners who then meet the standards. Of course, the peer review and policing in the medical profession is all but an abject failure, so I’m not sure there is an easy solution. My feeling is that society needs to be weaned away from the dependency and blind trust in “experts” of all kinds, and that the average person needs to be better educated and then encouraged to trust more in his common sense. [Footnote: Personal communication (Jan. 14, 2001).]
“In 1910 Freud published a paper attaching what he called “wild analysis.” He expresses concern that the use of psychoanalytic theories by those untrained in psychoanalysis would cause harm…”