Publisher: ROC, an Imprint of New American Library, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc.
Page Count: 384
Appears on page(s): 9-37
ISBN-10: 0-451-45226-7
Cover Price: $4.99
States: “First Mass Market Printing, October, 1994” and “10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1”
Number of printed copies sourced from The Science-Fantasy Publishers: A Critical and Bibliographic History by Jack L. Chalker & Mark Owings, Third Edition Revised and Enlarged, The Mirage Press Ltd., September 30, 1991
The illustration for this story in Night Visions 4 is titled “Confrontation” and is by artist Kevin Davies. Here is his description as posted on DeviantArt:
“This is one of the many interior illustrations I produced in 1987 as part of my work on a limited edition hardcover collection of short stories by publisher Dark Harvest, Night Visions 4. The anthology featured an introduction by Clive Barker and original stories by Dean R. Koontz, Edward Bryant, Robert R. McCammon, and others.
“My painting is based on the events of one of the stories contained in the book. The model for the figure in the foreground was one of my housemates at the time; the larger figure in the back was not modeled on my landlord.
“The image was painted in black and white acrylic on artboard. Color tone was added digitally to a scan of the image with Photoshop and the foreground figure was revised slightly.”