Eight hundred copies, specially bound, have been signed by the author and numbered.
Six color plates
Blue ink used for section titles and on title and number pages.
Marbled endpapers.
Issued with illustrated slipcase.
States: “Berkley edition / December 1992” and “10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1”
the 20th printing in 2005,contains the “new afterword.”
Hideaway book release event postcardHideaway book release event t-shirt
On 19 January 1992 a book release event was held at The Book Carnival in Orange, CA. Shown here are a promotional postcard for the event and a t-shirt that was given away at the event. According to one attendee, “These shirts were designed by Ed Thomas, with the input and permission of Dean. They were subsequently made available to attendees at the book release party for Hideaway. Both Dean and his wife, Gerda, were in attendance.”
New York Times #1 bestseller for first four weeks of February 1992.
Thirteenth of the top 15 fiction bestsellers of 1992.
Nominated for the 1993 Bram Stoker Award – Best novel