States: "2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1" and "Bantam Book mass market edition: June 2012"
Promotional Trade Hardcover
Release Date: November 23, 2001
An unknown number of copies of the US trade hardcover edition but was shipped in a cardboard box to an unknown number of booksellers. The box included cover art from the dust jacket and a quote from the book. Included in the box was the book, a T-shirt promoting the book and a letter from the president and publisher of Bantam Books. (Date above is the date on the letter.)
The advance edition does not contain the poem from The Book of Counted Sorrows preceding the “Author’s Note”.
An unknown number of UK trade paperback copies were sent to reviewers with a sticker on the first page that states “Reviewers Advance Publication Copy”.
“Collector’s editions” on 17 CDs or 1 MP3 CD were also made available through Cover price: $44.95 (CD) $19.95 (MP3).
From The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror edited by Stephen Jones
Carroll & Graf, 2002, p3
”One Door Away From Heaven by Dean Koontz had 500,000 copies in print after three printings. It involved a woman on a quest to save a disabled child from the girl’s strange stepfather, who believed that she would be taken away by aliens before her tenth birthday. The Paper Doorway: Funny Verse and Nothing Worse was a young-adult poetry collection by Koontz, illustrated by Phil Parks. In Britain, Headline published a paperback omnibus of Koontz’s Watchers/Mr. Murder.”
Other editions:
UK Mass Market Paperback
Related items:
Promotional Letter
Last updated on July 11th, 2018
One Reply to “One Door Away From Heaven”
One Door Away From Heaven touched me deeply. Aunt Gen’s answer to the riddle was so spot on. No spoilers here but I would tell you this book can totally change the way you look at life. Please read it!
One Door Away From Heaven touched me deeply. Aunt Gen’s answer to the riddle was so spot on. No spoilers here but I would tell you this book can totally change the way you look at life. Please read it!