“Some news and a quibble.” (Unpublished)
by Dean Koontz
Unpublished Letter

Release Date: April 5, 1987
Format: Typed page on letterhead
Page Count: 2
A two-page letter to the editor of Locus Magazine covering several topics:
- Dean’s payment rate for the film rights to Watchers. “$100,000 (no option, an outright payment) plus 25% of the producer’s gross.”
- Watchers (the novel) having sold in “eleven foreign territories” for “advances totaling $194,000.”
- Dean’s having decided to cease using the Leigh Nichols pen name and the recent deal with Dark Harvest to publish their editions of the Leigh Nichols books.
- Lightning is nearly finished and will be released in February of 1988.
- Simon & Schuster has bought audio rights to “both Watchers and, sight unseen, Lightning.”
- The quibble is that Locus recently listed Strangers and Watchers as “novels of the supernatural” and that “I don’t write novels of the supernatural. Only one–Darkfall– has come from my pen.”
Source: Locus Science Fiction Foundation Archives, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.
Last updated on July 24th, 2020