Strange Highways, 3
Black Pumpkin, 223
Miss Attila the Hun, 249
Down in the Darkness, 286
Ollie’s Hands, 321
Snatcher, 344
Trapped, 366
Bruno, 435
We Three, 472
Hardshell, 482
Kittens, 520
Night of the Storm, 528
Twilight, 560
Chase, 602
Notes to the Reader, 773
Photo courtesy of Paul Evans.
Release Date: c.1994
Page Count: 786 double-spaced typed and bound pages
Photo courtesy of Paul Evans.
Advance Reading Copy
Format: Trade paperback w/ trade hardcover cover ar
Publisher: Warner Books
Page Count: 561
States: On front cover: Advance Reading Copy not for resale hardcover publication date May 23, 1995
States: “First Printing: May 1995” and “Reissued: September 2002” and “10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1”
Pagination of stories is the same as the first trade hardcover edition.
On the front of the dj: “Back by Popular Demand – At a Special Low Price”
Updated photo on back of dj
States: “First Printed in Paperback: August, 1996” and “10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1”
Large Print Hardcover
Release Date: November 1995
Format: Reprint of the trade hardcover release
Publisher: Wheeler Publishing, Inc.
Page Count: 815
ISBN-10: 1-56895-255-4
Cover Price: $26.95
States: No statement of printing
"Published by arrangement with Warner Books, Inc. in the United States and Canada"
UK Trade Hardcover
Release Date: April 27, 1995
Publisher: Headline
Page Count: 439
ISBN-10: 0-7472-1333-X
Cover Price: £16.99
States: “First published in Great Britain in 1995 by HEADLINE BOOK PUBLISHING” and “10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1”
Since Chase had previously been published under his own name in the U.K., it is not included in this edition of the collection. The paragraph mentioning it in the “Notes to the reader” has been edited out for this edition.
Book Club Edition
Release Date: May 1995
Page Count: 562
Book Club ID: #07360
The BCE has appeared in two different sizes. Both the original and later reprints are the standard 21.5x14.5cm but the original is 3cm thick while more recent printings are 4cm thick due to a thicker paper stock being used in the more recent printings. Additionally, the thicker copies have a smaller Warner Brothers logo on the spine and a larger white box containing the BCE number on the back of the dust jacket.
Announcement of Warner’s achieving the rights to this book appears in the March/April 1995 issue of Science Fiction Chronicle on page 16. Koontz is pictured on page 15.
Warner books received the right to publish this book in exchange for giving Koontz the publishing and film rights to Oddkins.
Other items:
ARC Publisher Letter
Other Editions:
Dutch Edition courtesy of ThomsenUnknown Roads, Russian HardcoverStrange Highways vol 1, Japan\Strange Highways vol 2, JapanStrange Highways vol 3, Japan