“Usually, I’m too shy to do this sort of thing…” (Unpublished)
Unpublished Letter

An unpublished letter to the editors of Locus Magazine in which Dean talks about the film version of Demon Seed. The opening sentence continues: “but I’m so pleased with MGM’s film of DEMON SEED (great acting, a literate script that demands something of the audience, wonder special effects)…”
An interesting note: This letter is not on any sort of letterhead but does list Dean’s return address. This does not align with the statement on his web site that “any fanzine appearances by Dean after 1968 are highly suspect unless they were submitted with a cover letter on his own letterhead of that time.” Then again, this wasn’t published so the circumstances are different.
Source: Locus Science Fiction Foundation Archives, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.
Last updated on July 22nd, 2020