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Wilderness and Other Stories MP3-CD
August 11, 2014
This is due out on September 9, 2014. Here’s the details on what’s included:
“Wilderness,” a darkly intriguing short story first published as an e-book original, was written as prelude to Dean Koontz’s novel of mystery, suspense, and strange wonder—Innocence.
Twelve of the other fourteen short stories and novelettes included in this audio anthology were most recently reissued in a print collection entitled Strange Highways, published by Warner Books (1995). The other two—”The Scariest Thing I Know” (2000) first published in Martha Stewart Living magazine and “Hostage Situation” (2009) in The New York Times Summer Thriller series.
Only the short work “Down in the Darkness,” has ever been produced for audio.
From this description I could probably predict the titles of the unspecified titles based on the TOC of Strange Highways, but instead I think I’ll leave it for now and just post the 100% accurate version once I have a copy in hand.