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100 Best Horror Novels And Stories : NPR
August 17, 2018
Who doesn’t love a good scary story, something to send a chill across your skin in the middle of summer’s heat? And this year, we’re celebrating the 200th birthday of one of the most famous scary stories of all time: Frankenstein — so a few months ago, we asked you to nominate your favorite horror novels and stories, and then we assembled an expert panel of judges to take your 7000 nominations and turn them into a final, curated list of 100 spine-tingling favorites for all kinds of readers. Want to scar your children for life? We can help. Want to dig into the dark, slimy roots of horror? We’ve got you covered.SUMMER READER POLL 2018: HORRORIt’s Aliiiiiive! This Year, Our Summer Reader Poll Is All About HorrorSUMMER READER POLL 2018: HORRORSummer Horror Poll: Meet Our Expert Panelists!SUMMER READER POLL 2018: HORRORH. P. Lovecraft And The Shadow Over Horror.
As with our other reader polls, this isn’t meant to be a ranked or comprehensive list — there are a few books you won’t see on it despite their popularity — some didn’t stand the test of time, some just didn’t catch our readers’ interest, and in some cases our judges would prefer you see the movie instead. (So no Jaws, sorry.) And there are a few titles that aren’t strictly horror, but at least have a toe in the dark water, or are commenting about horrific things, so our judges felt they deserved a place on the list.