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What’s New & Updated December 17, 2018
December 17, 2018

Again, other life things are taking precedence over this project hence the small number of updates this week. That being said, I do accomplish at least one thing per day, nearly every day. In many cases that may not reflect in updates listed here. Sometimes it’s just logging and filing articles. Other times it’s researching a thread I left hanging. But I’ve committed myself to at least posting an update update like this every week so here it is.
Have been reading your books since the beginning when we lived in Irvine, Ca. I still watch for then all of the time.
Lived in Irvine years ago and had one of your original signed books before moving several times. I watch for your books when they become available and am reading one now.
Thanks for your kind words. But just to be clear, Dean does not participate in this site in any way that I’m aware of.