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Third pre-signed edition of The Forbidden Door found
December 28, 2018

It’s December 26th and I find myself in a local Barnes & Noble wondering what they’ve got on post-Christmas sale. I see that they have one pre-signed copy of The Forbidden Door left on a display (sadly not on sale) and, for reasons I can’t quite figure out, I decide to check the ISBN against my collection and oddly enough it doesn’t match. So of course, I immediately purchase it and bring it home with me.
Now the research begins.
It turns out that Barnes & Noble offered two versions of the pre-signed book. The first was the one for sale online on the original release date of September 11, 2018 (ISBN 978-1-984-1767-9). The second, and this one I’d just picked up, was part of their Black Friday Weekend Special (ISBN 978-1-984-1769-3) available only in stores starting on November 23, 2018 (and then online for in-store pickup on November 24, 2018.)
It pays to notice the little things. Or be a bit obsessive. I’ll let you decide.
Check out the full edition details here.