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Entertainment Weekly: Read (or listen) an excerpt from Dean Koontz’s newest story collection, Nameless
November 11, 2019

It’s a time of great change for publishing, and technology has opened up many new possibilities for storytelling. So for his next book, best-selling author Dean Koontz is trying something new. Nameless is a collection of stories focused on a mysterious vigilante without a name — he adopts many, from “Alan Grofield” to “Ben Shepherd,” but his true name is Nameless. He goes on missions from someone known as Ace of Diamonds, who sends him with the money, hotel rooms, guns, and information needed to take out criminals. Nameless has experience and know-how, but more importantly possesses the superhuman gift of clairvoyance, allowing him to glimpse both the future and his own enigmatic past.
Nameless: A Collection of Six Stories combines the serialized fiction of the past with the bingeable fiction of today. Released all at once digitally on Amazon like a streaming show, each installment of Nameless will provide more information about the character at the heart of it all.
Below, check out an exclusive excerpt from the Nameless story “In the Heart of the Fire.” Read the rest of “In the Heart of the Fire,” as well as the next five episodes of Nameless, when it hits Amazon on Nov. 12, free for Prime and Kindle Unlimited members.
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