Darkness Comes
See Also: Afterword to Darkfall Darkfall (DRK) Darkfall: Teleplay by Dean R. Koontz based on his novel Darkfall (DK) Foreword to Darkfall Dean R. Koontz: Three Complete Novels
UK Trade Hardcover

First Mass Market Paperback

Second Mass Market Paperback
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Third Mass Market Paperback
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First published in pbk in 1984 by Star Books the paperback division of WH Allen & Co PLC
Reprinted in paperback in 1990 by Headline Publishing PLC
First Headline Feature paperback in 1991"
The original UK title for Darkfall.
The third printing of the Headline Feature edition features the following text on the front cover:
No film version of this book was ever released however, there was a script written in 1989. See the entry Darkfall: Teleplay by Dean R. Koontz based on his novel (screenplay)
The cover of the hardcover edition is featured on page 454 of Art of Imagination.
Other Editions:

Last updated on August 18th, 2018
I have this book hardback edition with the third cover… reprinted in 1990 – third edition ISBN 0-7472-0296-6. The book is missing pages 65-96. In it’s place are two sets of pages 97-128, after these two sets, the book starts with page 97 again. Is anyone aware of this error in printing?
Sounds like just a printing error and most likely a one-off. Happens more often than you’d think.
I too have a version missing pages 257-288 but reprinting pages 65-96 in their place.