Night Chills (DRK)
See Also: Night Chills (Screenplay) Author's Introduction to Night Chills (DK) Author's Introduction to Night Chills (DRK) Night Chills (DK)

Trade Hardcover

First Mass Market Paperback

Second Mass Market Paperback

Large Print Hardcover

The copyright page is the same in the US, UK, and Australian editions and contains the following text and ISBNs:
“Published in large print in 1997 by ISIS Publishing Ltd... and Australian Large Print Audio and Video Pty Ltd... with the permission of Headline Book Publishing Ltd... Published in the United States by arrangement with The Berkeley Publishing Group”
ISBN 1-86340-758-8 (ALPAV Pty Ltd) [Australia]
ISBN 0-7531-5576-1 (ISIS Publishing Ltd) [UK]
ISBN 1-57490-107-9 (Thomas T. Beeler, Publisher) [US]
Whether you have a US or UK/Australian edition have in hand can be identified but the publisher name and/or logo on the back cover and spine. However I have been unable to verify a method for determining the difference between the UK and Australian editions.
Book Challenges:
Listed as #25 of the 50 most banned/challenged book in the U.S. from 1990-1992.
Year Location Reason
1990: Somerset, KY Pornographic language and content
1991: Fort Kent, ME “Sexual imagery”
1992: Bend, OR explicit sexual references
All three were in High School libraries and were initiated by parents.
Night Chills is unique in that it contains a bibliography at the end. While these may not be the exact editions of the titles that Dean read at the time, I made my best guess as to the edition available at the time. (I’m still missing a few.)
Other Editions:

Night Chills is mentioned in Dean R. Lambe’s review of The Minotaur Factor by Stewart Stern on page 72 of Richard E. Geis’ Science Fiction Review #22 (August 1977).
Last updated on January 25th, 2021
I believe that this and Shattered are the only “acknowledged” Berkley titles that have still not been reissued with Afterword. Correct me if I’m wrong.
That sounds right to me. Although are there any Berkley books he’s denied? I can’t think of any off the top of my head.
Yeah, I should have phrased that better. By “acknowledged,” I meant to include the formerly pseudonymous books later issued by Berkley as by Koontz. I’m surprised by how many also were issued in those nice trade paperbacks which now seem mostly out of print. I think only the two Owen West originals (Mask and Funhouse) and The Vision didn’t get a trade version. I don’t know if Betkley has issued any new editions (either “afterword” or “trade afterword”) since 2015, so we may never get afterwords for these two, I imagine.