Odd Thomas 1.0: Odd Thomas
Preceded by: Odd Thomas 0.6: Odd Thomas: You Are Destined To Be Together Forever Odd Thomas 0.7: In Odd We Trust Odd Thomas 0.8: Odd Is On Our Side Odd Thomas 0.9: House of Odd
Followed by: Odd Thomas 2.0: Forever Odd Odd Thomas 3.0: Brother Odd Odd Thomas 4.0: Odd Hours Odd Thomas 4.5a: Odd Interlude Odd Thomas 5.0: Odd Apocalypse Odd Thomas 6.0: Deeply Odd Odd Thomas 7.0: Saint Odd
See Also: Odd Thomas 1.0b: Meet Odd Thomas Odd Thomas (Film)
Advance Readers Edition

Large Print Hardcover

℗ 2003 Ransom House, Inc.


Book Club Edition

Limited Editions
From ChanrelHouse.com:
“The book is an odd 12 inches high by 6 inches wide. The narrow text block is designed to resemble a bowling alley with page numbers on bowling pins at the top and lane markers at the bottom of the page. Each chapter opening initial capital letter is on a rolling bowling ball and the endleaves are score sheets. Seven custom type fonts and five spot hand drawings printed on luxurious 80lb. archival paper are used in the production of this book.”
“We have been working with the different options that are available in manufacturing the stainless steel for the lettered edition of ODD THOMAS and the book is now in production. After a prototype was constructed we decided against the fingerprint resistant coating. It was a great idea but it takes the mirror quality away from the steel. Cleaning directions will now be enclosed and we will even include a pair of white gloves for handling.”
The books did end up coming with a polishing cloth featuring the Charnel House logo and a pair of white gloves with “Odd Thomas” on one and “A Charnel House Book” on the other all within a plastic bag advertising Charnel House. Also included was a one-sheet regarding the steel finish, the gloves, and instructions on how to clean the book if necessary.


Mass Market Paperback

Drawing on page i © 2003 by Phil Parks
Trade Paperback (large)

Trade Paperback (small)

Large Print Trade Paperback

Premium Paperback


The first chapter was printed in the first paperback printing of By the Light of the Moon.
This book was featured on the cover of The Literary Guild Insider. More details can be found in the ephemera appendix.
Odd Thomas was featured in Random House’s Library Bulletin which was included in the October 1, 2003 issue of Library Journal. More details can be found in the ephemera appendix.
This book mentions Caesar Zedd, Jr., the founder of “The Church of the Whispering Comet”. One would assume that this character is the son of the Caesar Zedd, writer of self-help books mentioned heavily in From the Corner of His Eye.
Related items:

Other Editions:

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“Tomes & Tones: Squarepusher Paired with Dean Koontz”
Everything is Noise, January 18, 2019
“Welcome to Tomes & Tones, a brand new feature which explores the often uncanny pairing between books and music. Have you ever read a novel, and had a particular soundtrack in the background? And is this novel now synonymous with that music, whenever you think back to it?
“For each episode, one writer will give an example of when they have experienced this pairing, and why these seemingly unrelated components worked so well together. Hopefully it will offer up some creative combinations to our readers, who can judge for themselves how the works of art are able to merge. No doubt many readers will also have some unique and interesting combos of their own.
“In our first episode, I will recap on my partly unintentional but ultimately divine pairing of Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz and the industrial/electronic band Squarepusher‘s record Hello Everything. Enjoy!”
Project for class where I have to redesign the jacket for a favorite book. I chose Odd Thomas by @deankoontz … 3 roughs done, hope I'm doing it justice pic.twitter.com/lEz9fua4Tx
— Elliot Louis B. (@elliotbebop) November 25, 2018
The film is briefly mentioned, along with an image of the trade hardcover cover in the article “Books & Movies: A Combo for the Ages” by Zac Baldwin, p110, Agenda #18, August 2022.
Last updated on October 7th, 2023
that did not help me at all all it showed was the first book and no others.
I assume you’re the person from Facebook looking for the order of the Odd Thomas books. Each book has it’s own page. For the order look at the PRECEDED BY and FOLLOWED BY sections at the top of the page. This places them in order, and each title is numbered too.