With the exception of ebook-exclusive titles such as the Nameless series, I don't usually list eBook versions. However, in a first, Amazon released the Kindle version of this title under their "Amazon First Reads" program prior to the release of the first print edition. This led me to decide that it was worthy of inclusion as it is the first version of the book available to the general public. Additionally, ss part of this program, Amazon Prime members were allowed to download the title for free. Downloaders also received a $2-off coupon toward the purchase of any of the previously published Kindle editions of Dean's Thomas & Mercer novels.
Format: Permabound hardcover with illustrated boards
Publisher: Thorndike Press
Page Count: 549
ISBN-13: 978-8-88579-589-0
Original List Price: $39.99
States: "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 28 27 26 25 24"
Release Date: April 2024
Publisher: Charnel House
200 signed and numbered copies
Printed on 80lb. Mohawk Superfine Eggshell finish.
290 pages / 6.5 X 11.5 inches.
Handbound in full Brushed Silver Metal X*
*Metal paper with a thousand brush strokes. An acrylic-coated, latex-saturated paper that deceptively imitates brushed metal with an interesting look and feel.
Original List Price:$300.00
States:No statement of printing
26 signed and lettered copies
Printed on 80lb. Mohawk Superfine Eggshell finish.
290 pages / 6.5 X 11.5 inches.
Millimeter binding—Handbound in Brushed Silver Metal X* boards with black Morocco leather spine and for-edge.
*Metal paper with a thousand brush strokes. An acrylic-coated, latex-saturated paper that deceptively imitates brushed metal with an interesting look and feel.
Format: Trade paperback w/ trade hardcover cover art
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Page Count: 370
ISBN-13: 978-1662517778
Cover Price: $16.99
States: "First edition"
The original publication date, according to the ARC was January 23, 2023. The actual release dates are listed above.
Regarding the “original title” listed here, a page 144 of the trade hardcover release it says:
“(This book was originally titled Spike the Craggle. No one in the marketing department was enthusiastic about that. I am pleased to be able to say that Spike made no attempt to intimidate me into calling it Spike the Craggle anyway. He’s not that kind of entity.)”
However, I accept that this could be a joke and not a serious statement of fact.
The limited edition was announced to be release in January 2024 but was not released until April.
Yes, the Charnel House editions printed a “:” in their ISBNs on the copyright page.