The Paper Doorway: Funny Verse and Nothing Worse
See Also: An Accident at the Pole
2nd Audiobook

Book Club Edition

Trade Hardcover

1st Audiobook
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Table of Contents:
- An Accident at the Pole
- Advice
- Ages of a Toad
- All Families Are Not the Same
- An Angry Poem by a Dragon’s Mother
- At War with Wood
- Auntie
- A Bad Cat
- Balance
- Baseball is Safer
- The Bear with One Green Ear
- Being Me
- Better Than Money
- A Beverage with Antlers
- Boogeyman
- The Cabbage Feels No Pain
- Cats in Spats
- Crime and Punishment
- A Cure for Ugly
- Dangerous Music
- Dinner with Jilly
- Do Trees Sneeze?
- Dogs and Hogs
- Fashion-Plate Fido
- The Fearful Bee
- Food Psychos
- Frankenbunny
- Handyman
- Head Number Two
- Horse Thief
- I Don’t Share
- If I Were a Potato
- Insults
- An Interesting Fact About Dogs
- Listen to the Wind
- A Long Day of Rhyming
- Lucky Skunk
- The Man With Four Eyes
- Mary Thinks She Wants a Puppy
- The Monstrous Broccoli Excuse
- My Words
- The Paper Doorway
- Peace Through Hopping
- Peg-Leg Zeg
- The Pig with Pride
- Plurals
- Poem by My Dog
- The Prettiest Butterfly I Will Ever See
- Princess with a Tail
- Rain
- Red Hair
- The Reliable Bunny
- Rocks
- Rumor
- Safe Household Accidents
- The Seasons of a Toad
- The Shark in the Park
- A Short Trip
- Sick
- Silly
- A Skeleton’s Hotel
- Snowland
- So There
- Stars, Mars, and Chocolate Bars
- A Strange Day on the Farm
- Them and Us
- Thinking About Me
- Those Weird Guys in Nursery Rhymes
- The Threat
- Toast and Jam
- Up
- Wally the Werewolf
- The Wart
- What Will We Do, What Will We Do?
- What I Like
- Why?
- Why Good Manners Matter
- Why I Find It So Hard to Learn
- Why Most People Prefer Cats and Dogs
- Wishes
- The Woggle Wrangler
- You Get the Pickle You Ask For
- The Young Musician – Or Maybe Thug
From The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror edited by Stephen Jones
Carroll & Graf, 2002, p3:
”One Door Away From Heaven by Dean Koontz had 500,000 copies in print after three printings. It involved a woman on a quest to save a disabled child from the girl’s strange stepfather, who believed that she would be taken away by aliens before her tenth birthday. The Paper Doorway: Funny Verse and Nothing Worse was a young-adult poetry collection by Koontz, illustrated by Phil Parks. In Britain, Headline published a paperback omnibus of Koontz’s Watchers/Mr. Murder.”
Last updated on February 19th, 2018