The Pig Society
Trade Paperback

The Dark Symphony and Fear that Man by Dean
Gerda “...has written Gothic novels.”
A Darker Heritage, Magnum, 1972
as Gerda Ann Cerra (Gerda’s maiden name)
Bob Vardeman’s untitled editorial in Sandworm #11 is both a review of The Pig Society and an editorial on the politics of the Nixon administration. It starts with:
“At hand is a copy of The Pig Society by Dean & Gerda Koontz, Aware Press, $2.95 – which is bound to be worth it since the illos are by Bode and Lovenstein (if you’re like I am, you’ll flip thru the book first, look at the pix and then start down to serious reading having gotten the tone of the book.)
“I hate to say it, but I can’t really find anything to put down in the book. Well written, obviously well documented, and *shudder* informative.
“First off, I might as well make a policy statement which strikes me as being somewhat ridiculous. I more or less consider myself to be a libertarian conservative or what Boardman once termed “a philosophical anarchist”. I intensely dislike the idea of a law just to have a law – I feel the only laws should be those designed to protect a citizen from his neighbor. Catch the implication? I’m very much against any law designed to protect a person from himself or a law intended solely to impose someone else’s idea of propriety on the individual.
“Dean & Gerda obviously consider themselves liberals. since our ideas correspond surprisingly closely, I can only guess that the big difference lies in why we hold the opinions we dO.” [sic]
Issues #38 & #39 of Science Fiction review contain ads for The Pig Society.

The June 5-June 11 issue of the alternative newspaper Berkeley Barb also contained a small ad for The Pig Society on page 19 in the upper-right corner. (Front page cropped due to nudity. Full-sized images available @ Independent Voices.)

The Ricahrd E. Geis fanzine Science Fiction Review #40 (October 1970) has a very interesting mention of The Pig Society in Geis’s “Monolog” column. (See bottom-left of image below.)
The Vaughn Bodé strip “War Lizard” (p52-71) were first printed in East Village Other (October 18, 1968) and subsequently reprinted in Junkwaffel #2 (The Print Mint, 1972 & Last Gasp, 1988) and Junkwaffel Volume 2 (Fantigraphics Books, 1995).

The Vaughn Bodé single-panel comic of a creature named “Odd” (p163) is reprinted from The St. Louis Bug #1 (St Louis Con Comics, 1969).

The St. Louis Bug #1 is reprinted in Vaughn Bode’s Lizard Zen (Fantigraphics Books, January 1999, ISBN: 1-56097-266-1, $9.95), on pages 13-16.

“In 1969, Dean agreed to have a small publisher publish two of his non-fiction works (one entitled THE SICK SOCIETY and the other entitled GOING UNDERGROUND) and two of his fiction works (one entitled HUNG and the other entitled TIGER 650). All four books were presented to the publisher as finished manuscripts and Dean fully expected for them to be published in the form submitted to the publisher. Unfortunately, all four books were put into production before Dean learned that the publisher had arranged, without Dean’s knowledge or consent, for them to be so completely rewritten that none of them, as published, bore much resemblance to the original manuscripts as submitted by Dean. Although he wasn’t able to stop publication, he did get the publisher to contractually agree to publish all four books under a pseudonym. The publisher further agreed to indemnify Dean against claims arising from the material added by the publisher: “Author and Publisher acknowledge that…the Work will be published with material changes from the original manuscripts of same, that the Publisher assumes all liability for the content of those new chapters and passages.” However, only one of the four books was published under a pen name- HUNG was published under the pen name Leonard Chris. THE SICK SOCIETY manuscript was published under the title PIG SOCIETY, the GOING UNDERGROUND manuscript was published under the title THE UNDERGROUND LIFESTYLES HANDBOOK, and the TIGER 650 manuscript was published under the title BOUNCE GIRL- all with Dean and Gerda Koontz as the credited authors, and therefore in breach of Dean’s contract with the publisher. Copyright Office files on all four of these books now reflects affidavits from Gerda and Dean stating that (1) Gerda did not participate in writing any portion of these books and (2) Dean disavows any claim of authorship or responsibility for the content of these four books due to the substantial nature of the unauthorized changes to his original manuscripts.”
Last updated on March 29th, 2018