Printed in the more standard trade hardcover size as opposed to the traditional smaller book club size.
This is the first instance of a book club edition having its own unique ISBN that I'm aware of. Traditionally if an ISBN is listed on a book club edition, it is for the equivalent trade edition.
States: “2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1” & “Bantam Books mass market edition: October 2011”
Contains the novella Darkness Under the Sun on pages 525-584.
Contains the first three chapters of 77 Shadow Street on pages 587-605
A full-page advertisement for What the Night Knows appears on page 7 of the January 3, 2011 issue of The New Yorker magazine.
Borders Bookstore distributed a bookmark promoting their eBooks that included the cover of What the Night Knows.
Promotional stickers for this title were released and affixed to other titles. The only example I’ve see was one that was on a copy on a premium paperback edition of Breathless. (See below)
Other Editions:
UK trade paperbackUK small trade paperback (Includes The Moonlit Mind)2011 CD reissue