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House of Odd delayed a bit

October 31, 2011 is now reporting that House Of Odd will be released on March 20th.

Cemetery Dance Gets a mention in the New York Times

October 25, 2011

CDlogo72The best work in dark fantasy and horror fiction these days is being published by small presses, haunted literary boutiques established (mostly) in out-of-the-way places.

There’s Small Beer in Easthampton, Mass., and Subterranean in Burton, Mich.; Centipede in Lakewood, Colo., and Cemetery Dance in Forest Hill, Md.; Tachyon in San Francisco andChiZine in Toronto — and many more. They’re all devoted to the weird, to the strange and — most important — to good writing. (Some also stretch their editorial tentacles into traditional fantasy and science fiction.)


Did anyone like the film version of Phantoms?

October 25, 2011

phantomsOver at Movies I Don’t Get they’ve taken on Phantoms and to say they don’t like the movie is an understatement. Anyone care to disagree with them in their comments?

Sacrifice by John Farris

October 14, 2011

Just got my hands on copy #20 of 100 of John Farris’ Sacrifice as published by Centipede Press. I mention it here of course because it contains a three page introduction in appreciation of Mr. Farris’ work. The book is autographed by Mr. Farris but not by Dean.
It was actually published back in August of 2010 and despite being a regular customer and admirer of Centipede Press books I’d somehow missed this one ’till now.

Two new trade paperbacks in June 2012

October 14, 2011

Looking out a but further it looks like both Dark Rivers of the Heart and False Memory are scheduled to get Bantam trade paperback releases on 26 June 2012. Of course, as usual, no cover images yet.

New edition of Forever Odd in April 2012

September 23, 2011

After Life Expectancy the next book to get the premium paperback treatment will be Forever OddAmazon lists the release date as April 24, 2012 but does not yet have a cover image.

New edition of Live Expectancy forthcoming

September 19, 2011

It looks like Life Expectancy will be the next book to get the premium paperback treatment. Amazon lists the release date as May 26, 2012 but does not yet have a cover image.

Want to $100 win in free horror books?

September 8, 2011

CDlogo72I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Cemetery Dance is one of the best small publishers out there! Want to win $100 in free books from them? Check out the details @

Dean is well paid

August 23, 2011

Dean is currently the 7th most highest paid writer this year according to Forbes.

Anton Yelchin on filming Odd Thomas

August 23, 2011

Here’s an excerpt form an interview with

You’re filming Odd Thomas right now?
Yes, I’m still shooting that. I flew in this morning from Santa Fe. I’ve shot in New Mexico before, but I’ve never shot in Santa Fe.

What drew you in about that project to begin with?
I think it’s a great character. There’s a lot going on there, because he’s given this spiritual ability that makes his world so complex. I mean, face to face with death every day, and the universe he lives in, the moral universe, is so intense. You just see him try to live a very quiet material existence, but the moral struggle of this character, of trying to constructively deal with death every day and still bring something to the world, was very interesting to me. He’s a great character. He’s of both realms; he’s a human being but he’s also within the spiritual realm at all times. So it gives you the room to sort of put him… I mean, he’s Odd Thomas. His name is ‘Odd,’ so he’s weird. It allows you to experiment with that, and at the same time, kick some ass. It’s a fun combination of a lot of things.

What kind of action scenes do you get to do in Odd Thomas?
There’s not a huge deal, but basically what happens is the movie opens with Odd beating the shit out of this guy who’s taken advantage of this little girl, so right away you know he’s not just this weird guy. Then what happens is it culminates in this huge, brutal massacre at this mall. But it’s great, Willem Dafoe’s in it…

What’s he like to work with?
Oh, he’s a pleasure. A wonderful man. The nicest man. I think he’s extraordinary; I was mesmerized by him and so pleased to find what a great man he is.


The Funhouse on Blu-ray reviews

August 10, 2011

I’ve got my copy of The Funhosue of Blu-ray but I’ve not yet had a chance to watch it yet. For those not familiar with the film here’s the trailer and a few reviews of this release.

Trouble for Odd Thomas film?

August 8, 2011

From Entertainment Law Digest:

Film distributor Kathy Morgan International sued Fusion Films and Two Out of Ten Productions, claiming they owe $540,000 for the company’s work as a sales agent for the upcoming movie adaptation of Dean Koontz’s novel, “Odd Thomas.”


Breathless at Borders

August 5, 2011

Breakthless UK HCI went to the three closing Borders stores in Omaha last night and all three of them had copies of the UK hard cover edition of Breathless on their bargain shelves for just $5.99. Then, they took another 25% off for the going-out-of-business sale. So, if you’ve got a Borders in your area you may want to go take a look.

The Funhouse in blu

July 19, 2011

Funhouse_3D_BR_Mock-upAccording to the folks over at twitch, Arrow Video released Tobe Hooper’s The Funhouse on Blu-ray yesterday. Unfortunately (for my budget), it’s currently only available in the UK but is playable in all regions. You can read the review on the twitch Web site and orders it directly from Arrow Video (£21.99) or (£16.99).

Covers released for three forthcoming titles

July 19, 2011

Midnight TBPK77 Shadow Street HCHouse of Odd TPBK

Midnight trade paperback, 1 November 2011
77 Shadow Street, 27 December 2011
House of Odd, 28 February 2012

Bargain Hunting in Barnes & Noble

June 27, 2011

your-heart-belongs-me-dean-koontz-paperback-cover-artI was in a few different Barnes & Noble stores over the weekend and noticed a lot of Dean’s titles in the bargain sections. The prices ranged from $3.98 to $7.98. So, if you’re looking for a bargain head on over to your local B&N or check online and see if you can find any of the following titles:

  • A Big Little Life (HC)
  • Dean Koontz Frankenstein: Dead and Alive (Large Print TPBK)
  • Relentless (HC)
  • Twilight Eyes (TPBK)
  • Your Heart Belongs to Me (Large Print TPBK)

Screamplays is coming

June 13, 2011

Today I received a box of Advance Reader Copies form Cemetery Dance (something I purchased; they don’t give me freebies) and much to my surprise one of the books was Screamplays which includes an introduction from Dean. Yes folks, similar to my book, this one’s been a long time coming. It lists a copyright date of 1997 and a publication date of 2011. My book might just be second in delayed publication to this book. (I was contracted in 2000.) I’ll get a scan of the cover up as soon as I can but at the moment, the computer my scanner is connected to is dead and in need of new RAM.

Update 6/14:
Yeah, those words were a bit dumb as the book was first published by Del Rey back in 1997. (My Koontz collection is so large, it’s easy to forget something in particular every one in a while.)

House of Odd available for pre-order

June 5, 2011

The third Odd manga, House of Odd, is now available for pre-order on Amazon. No cover image is yet available. It will be released on 28 February 2012.

Jeffrey Catherine Jones documentary

May 29, 2011

Via Boing Boing this week I found out that there’s a documentary about the life on John Catherine Jones int he works. The filmmakers are looking for donations. More information about the project and several videos can be found at macab films presents.

RE: Dean's faith

May 29, 2011

For those interested in more information about Dean’s Catholic faith, or for those completists in the house, get yourself a copy of Recovering Faith: Stories of Catholics Who Came Home by Lorene Hanley Duquin. Dean’s features on the cover and on pages 133-139.