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Dean's home art

December 7, 2011

According to PR Newswire:

[Richard] MacDonald’s art has been showcased in numerous one-man exhibitions in the US, Europe and Asia and is featured in private collections including those of former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Dean Koontz, Leann Rimes and opera legend Luciano Pavarotti.

So, I did a bit of Google image searching and found some examples of Mr. MacDonald’s work. (One shown right) What do you think of his work?

Online ad for The Moonlit Mind

December 7, 2011

In case you’ve not seen the online ad for The Moonlit Mind floating around, here it is:

Dafoe Talks Dean Koontz' 'Odd Thomas'

November 28, 2011

From Bloody Disgusting:

Willem Dafoe has spoken out about his part in the movie version of Dean Koontz’ best-selling novel Odd Thomas. Anton Yelchin stars in the supernatural thriller as a clairvoyant short-order cook who encounters a mysterious man with a link to dark forces. Fifteen minutes of behind the scenes footage and finished scenes were showed at the Australian International Movie Convention earlier in the year and demonstrated director Stephen Sommers’ quirky horror film approach.
Although Dafoe said he hasn’t seen any of the footage himself, he has high hopes. The two-time Oscar-nominated star talks exclusively to Australian stringer Maria Lewis (@moviemazz). Story inside.
You know, I haven’t seen any of it but I’m glad you’ve seen it and it looks good,” he said.
There are many interesting things about that but what I’m really struck by is how good this young actor Anton Yelchin is.
He’s fantastic, very bright, and he’s a really talented guy.


The Mask comes to audio

November 28, 2011 is listing an audio edition of The Mask to be released on 6 March 2012 on both standard CD, and MP3CD. No cover art is yet available.

The Moonlit Mind released today

November 28, 2011

Have you picked up your copy of The Moonlit Mind yet? It’s available on most of the major eBook platforms. Oh, and there are different US and UK “covers”.

Have you entered 77 Shadow Street yet?

November 22, 2011

Update 5/13/22: Sadly someone let the domain registration expire and the URL is now owned by some scammy casino.

Yesterday was announced and I must say I’m impressed. Here’s the official description:

Visit, a 360-degree immersive experience of the Pendleton apartment building, the setting of Dean’s upcoming novel, 77 Shadow Street, where nightmares become real.

If you dare…

A mention of Demon Seed

November 22, 2011

How’s this for obscure. The film version of Demon Seed has gotten a single mention in the new book Rape-Revenge Films: A Critical Study by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas. Ok, technically three: once in the text, once in the filmography, and once in the index.

Rape-Revenge Films A Critical Study

The Moonlit Mind

November 21, 2011

Looks like Dean’s releasing this fourth original eBook on 28 November 2011 titled The Moonlit Mind. (Can you name the other three? Answer below.) According to

In this chilling original stand-alone novella, available exclusively as an eBook, #1 New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz offers a taste of what’s to come in his new novel, 77 Shadow Street, with a mesmerizing tale of a homeless boy at large in a city fraught with threats . . . both human and otherwise.
Twelve-year-old Crispin has lived on the streets since he was nine—with only his wits and his daring to sustain him, and only his silent dog, Harley, to call his friend. He is always on the move, never lingering in any one place long enough to risk being discovered. Still, there are certain places he returns to. In the midst of the tumultuous city, they are havens of solitude: like the hushed environs of St. Mary Salome Cemetery, a place where Crispin can feel at peace—safe, at least for a while, from the fearsome memories that plague him . . . and seep into his darkest nightmares. But not only his dreams are haunted. The city he roams with Harley has secrets and mysteries, things unexplainable and maybe unimaginable. Crispin has seen ghosts in the dead of night, and sensed dimensions beyond reason in broad daylight. Hints of things disturbing and strange nibble at the edges of his existence, even as dangers wholly natural and earthbound cast their shadows across his path. Alone, drifting, and scavenging to survive is no life for a boy. But the life Crispin has left behind, and is still running scared from, is an unspeakable alternative . . . that may yet catch up with him.
There is more to Crispin’s world, and its darkest corners yet to be encountered, in this eBook’s special bonus: a spine-tingling excerpt from Dean Koontz’s forthcoming novel, 77 Shadow Street.

Here’s an easy link for Kindle owners. If you’re looking for other formats check out The Moonlit Mind on
Quiz answer: The Book of Counted Sorrows, “Why I Shout At The Computer Screen”, and “Darkness Under the Sun”.

Night Chills & Icebound reissues & 4-for-3 Sale @ Amazon

November 19, 2011 has recently listed $9.99 (assumed premium) paperback editions of Icebound and Night Chills slated for 31 July and 7 August 2012 releases respectively.
Additionally that title along with some other forthcoming titles (listed below) are currently available for a Buy 3, get one free promotion. (There may be others but these are the ones I could find. Amazon doesn’t seem to have a list of all the titles participating in the promotion.)

Thoughts on 77 Shadow Street

November 11, 2011

This morning I finished 77 Shadow Street and I just thought I’d share some thoughts without supplying any spoilers.

  • This is Dean’s first (correct me if I’m wrong) haunted house story.
  • Of course, being a Koontz novel, what you think of as a haunted house, and what Dean thinks of as a haunted house may not exactly match.
  • This book has one of the largest number of characters of any of his novels I can think of.
  • It also has what might be the least amount of character dialogue as any other of his novels. In some places there are stretches of 20 or more pages without any dialogue. To me this made it read much differently from most of Dean’s novels.
  • Lastly, all of the action takes place in one of the shortest time periods of his available work. (I think some of the Brian Coffey mysteries occurred in short time frames, but seeing as they’re not generally available…)

The other comment I have is that this ARC seems to have a large number of errors in it. Granted, advance copies are prone to having errors but I found three, and that many from a major publisher (Bantam) is pretty uncommon in my experience. The errors I found were:

  • The second-to-last paragraph on page 151 starting “Mickey’s mother has helped him to refine his sixth sense…” is repeated just two paragraphs later at the top of page 152.
  • The second full paragraph on page 299 starts “and they retreated quickly form the bathroom threshold.” At a minimum, “and” should be capitalized but it reads as if some text is missing.
  • The start of the fifth line of paragraph one on page 345 reads “mom’sl lyrics”. It should be “mom’s lyrics”.

I assume these errors will be fixed in the final publication.

More Odd & others in July 2012

November 11, 2011

It looks like there are going to be at least one new title and two re-releases on 31 July 2012. They are:

Amazon lists the later two as mass markets but at the $9.99 price point I’m assuming that they’ll actually be the premium paperback size. Also, as usual, it’s way to soon for cover images to be available.

Midnight trade paperback released

November 8, 2011

Sorry I’m a week late with this one but just wanted to record officially that the Berkley trade paperback edition of Midnight was released on November 1st.

77 Shadow Street advance copies released

November 1, 2011

Look what I got in the mail today! Last I looked there were a few more copies available on eBay. (Click image for full-size version.)

House of Odd delayed a bit

October 31, 2011 is now reporting that House Of Odd will be released on March 20th.

Cemetery Dance Gets a mention in the New York Times

October 25, 2011

CDlogo72The best work in dark fantasy and horror fiction these days is being published by small presses, haunted literary boutiques established (mostly) in out-of-the-way places.

There’s Small Beer in Easthampton, Mass., and Subterranean in Burton, Mich.; Centipede in Lakewood, Colo., and Cemetery Dance in Forest Hill, Md.; Tachyon in San Francisco andChiZine in Toronto — and many more. They’re all devoted to the weird, to the strange and — most important — to good writing. (Some also stretch their editorial tentacles into traditional fantasy and science fiction.)


Did anyone like the film version of Phantoms?

October 25, 2011

phantomsOver at Movies I Don’t Get they’ve taken on Phantoms and to say they don’t like the movie is an understatement. Anyone care to disagree with them in their comments?

Sacrifice by John Farris

October 14, 2011

Just got my hands on copy #20 of 100 of John Farris’ Sacrifice as published by Centipede Press. I mention it here of course because it contains a three page introduction in appreciation of Mr. Farris’ work. The book is autographed by Mr. Farris but not by Dean.
It was actually published back in August of 2010 and despite being a regular customer and admirer of Centipede Press books I’d somehow missed this one ’till now.

Two new trade paperbacks in June 2012

October 14, 2011

Looking out a but further it looks like both Dark Rivers of the Heart and False Memory are scheduled to get Bantam trade paperback releases on 26 June 2012. Of course, as usual, no cover images yet.

New edition of Forever Odd in April 2012

September 23, 2011

After Life Expectancy the next book to get the premium paperback treatment will be Forever OddAmazon lists the release date as April 24, 2012 but does not yet have a cover image.

New edition of Live Expectancy forthcoming

September 19, 2011

It looks like Life Expectancy will be the next book to get the premium paperback treatment. Amazon lists the release date as May 26, 2012 but does not yet have a cover image.