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Filling in the holes and finding new items
October 17, 2012
For those that have been following along for a while now, you still may not understand what’s taking so long. I keep promising that I’m getting closer to being done, and then it takes longer than you would think is needed. Well, here’s a good example and a bad example.
First I want to thank Joe Stefko of Charnel House. I sent him a list of about two dozen questions about release dates, page counts, original list prices, and ISBNs, and he came through with an answer to each and every one. From this one e-mail I’ve been able to fill in more holes than ever before.
The other is this auction from 2004 in which there are about 20 items listed that I had no idea ever existed. Folks, there are screenplays listed here, both by Dean and by others, that I’ve never heard of. Just check it out. The Koontz items start at lot #92. Luckily, the auction house even found me one last printed copy of the auction’s catalog and sent me a copy for free. But, now I’ve got 20 new items to add to the manuscript and conferences that will keep me on the road for the next two weeks.
So yes, this book is late, but the end is in sight, and I can guarantee that I am not ignoring it.
Thanks for your continued patience!