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Koontz contribution in upcoming anthology honoring Ray Bradbury
May 9, 2011
Bradbury, Revisited
Ray Bradbury biographer (and former PW Midwest correspondent) Sam Weller sold his third book about the sci-fi author, Live Forever: An Anthology of All New Stories in Honor of Ray Bradbury. AgentJudith Ehrlich brokered the deal for Weller, selling world English rights to William Morrow’s Jennifer Brehl at auction. Bradbury is writing the introduction to the book, and Weller is co-editing the title with Mort Castle.
Listen to the Echoes: The Ray Bradbury Interviews 4/30/2011:
Some of you have known I’ve been working with my good friend, uber-writer, seven-time Stoker nominee and all-around great guy, Mort Castle, on a secret Bradbury-related project for about a year and a half. I’ve tweeted hints about this for a few months now. Now that it’s happening and ink is being inked (much praise to our agent Judith Ehrlich and our editor Jennifer Brehl), I’m free to tell you Live Forever! is the project. We’ll have contributions from Neil Gaiman, Audrey Niffenegger, Joe Hill, Alice Hoffman, David Morrell, Dean Koontz, Kelly Link, Tom Monteleone, Lee Martin, Robert R. McCammon, Ramsey Campbell, Dan Chaon, Harlan Ellison and many, many others who wish to tip their auctorial chapeaus to Mr. Bradbury. Hell, there are even stories in this bookish beast from two guys named Castle and Weller.
Cheaper mass markets and a new trade
May 2, 2011
Today sees the release of The Eyes of Darkness in a Berkley trade paperback along with Dark Rivers of the Heart, Icebound, and Winter Moon as $5.99 mass market editions from Bantam.
77 Shadow Street
April 30, 2011
According to the next novel from dean will be titled 77 Shadow Street and will be released in hardcover (along with large print, eBook, and audio) on 27 December 2011. (Not the day after Christmas like back in the 90s but close enough.) As of yet, no synopsis or cover art is available.
Twilight Eyes coming to TV
April 29, 2011
According to various sources coming across the feeds this morning it looks likt Twilight Eyes is going to be adapted for a series on Starz.
Koontz has shied away from TV in the past few years and no book of his has been adapted to the small screen in a decade. His former agent at WMA, Rob Lee, now head of his own production company Bayonne Entertainment, remembered Koontz once talking about Twilight Eyes as a potential miniseries. But Koontz wanted a longer treatment — 6-8 hours, something the broadcast networks, the primary longform buyers in the 1990s, were not interested in. Lee teamed with writer Stephen Tolkin, who had adapted two Koontz novels as TV movies, 1997’sIntensity and 1998’s Mr. Murder. The two pitched the idea for a Twilight Eyeslimited series to Koontz, and he gave them their blessing. To stay true to the book, which Lee described as “quite violent and sensual,” he decided to go to premium cable and pitched the project to Starz, which picked it up with a premium development deal. (Lee has a relationship with Albrecht and briefly worked under him at IMG.) While the events in the book take place even before the 1980s, the adaptation will be set in present day. Koontz, who is involved in the development process, is executive producing with Lee and Tolkin, who is writing the script.
Source: Deadline
The Book of Counted Sorrows
April 21, 2011
Did you know that The Book of Counted Sorrows was published as an eBook by Barnes & Noble Digital in 2001? As far as I can recall it was only available in the Microsoft Reader format. Through the magic of some newer technologies I was able to rescue my old copy from the bowels of nearly dead technologies and present you here with the copyright page (below) and the “cover” (right). This of course, will be included in the Collector’s Guide but one of only a few eBook editions due to its rarity.
Introduction © 2001 by Dean Koontz
Poetry © 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 by Nkui, Inc.
Poetry © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 by Dean Koontz
This edition published by Barnes & Noble Digital,
by arrangement with Dean Koontz
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without the written permission of the Publisher.
2001 Barnes & Noble Digital
ISBN 1-4014-0022-1
Frankenstein: The Dead Town, Nevermore, and Odd Thomas news
April 21, 2011
The April 20, 2011 issue of Dean’s e-newsletter contained various links to new about Frankenstein: Dead Town, Nevermore, and the Odd Thomas film. Unfortunately, there isn’t an Web version for me to link to so I’ll just post a screenshot here (to preserve formatting) and say that it looks like all of the links are currently available on the home page of
Dean Koontz's tall tail
April 10, 2011
Dean Koontz’s books have sold over 400 million copies of his impossible to categorize novels. He’s a master storyteller who has thrilled fans for years. Anthony Mason visits with the author to hear some stories he’s never told anyone–about his work, his life and his dogs.
Read more:
Odd Thomas to be filmed in New Mexico
March 29, 2011
There’s plenty of stories on this one so I’ll just post this one link to this repost of the Associated Press article.
Frankenstein "Negative" Cover & other updates
March 19, 2011
Just got my hands of the alternate “negative” cover of Frankenstein Prodigal Son Volume 2 Issue #1. According to the included certificate of authenticity this cover was limited to just 250 copies.
Also added to the mms this week was the new Berkley premium paperback release of The Voice of the Night with a new “afterword”.
In the better late than never category, I’ve found a review of Frankenstein: Lost Souls in the July 2010 issue of Locus Magazine. (Pages 28-29)
Lastly, the 300th issue of Fangoria features a review of the film version of Demon Seed on page… Well, never mind, the pages aren’t numbered.
Watch Hideaway instantly
March 19, 2011
For better or for worse, Hideaway has been made available for streaming via Netflix. From Netflix:
1995 R 106 minutes
After antiques dealer Hatch Harrison (Jeff Goldblum) crashes his car and is pronounced clinically dead for more than two hours, brilliant cardiologist Jonas Nyebern (Alfred Molina) miraculously revives Hatch, giving him a second chance at life. But he soon begins to experience murderous visions through the eyes of a satanic serial killer (Jeremy Sisto) … who’s stalking Hatch’s teenage daughter (Alicia Silverstone).
Double the Odd
March 7, 2011
I previously mentioned Double the Odd forthcoming from book clubs sucj as The Literary Guild. At the time details were sparse. Turns out it’s a two-for-one containing the first two Odd Thomas Manga: In Odd We Trust and Odd Is On Our Side.
Here’s the official details:
Illustrated by Queenie Chan (The Dreaming, and co-author of In Odd We Trust), Dean Koontz’ Double the Oddbrings two original adventures of Odd Thomas—the 19-year old short order cook who communes with the dead—into graphic novel form.
After death, some spirits just want a little company, but others want justice, and their motto is In Odd We Trust. Now the specter of a very frightened boy rouses Odd to root out the evil suddenly infecting sunny Pico Mundo. But even with his special ability—and the police and his pistol-packing girlfriend, Stormy, backing him—is Odd any match for a faceless killer who’s always one step ahead?
In Odd Is On Our Side (co-written by Fred Van Lente of Cowboys & Aliens fame), it’s Halloween, and Odd senses that something more sinister than make-believe goblins and ghouls is on the prowl. But even his frequent visitor, the shade of Elvis Presley, can’t seem to point him in the right direction. Is something wicked afoot in the remote barn guarded by devilish masked men? Has All Hallows Eve taken a malevolent turn? Or is the pleading ghost of a trick-or-treater a frightening omen of doom?
Times are twice as odd in Pico Mundo, in our exclusive 2-in-1 manga-style omnibus.
“Not the Stephen King Guy!”
March 6, 2011
Here’s an interesting tidbit from a recent Fangoria interview with Mick Garris:
FANG: Has your close association with King cost you other work or created any kind of industry backlash?
GARRIS: Well, I’ve never told this story before. After I finished QUICKSILVER HIGHWAY, I was offered a miniseries based on a Dean Koontz book. I wasn’t really sure I wanted to commit to anything, and I didn’t know the book, but I said I’d read it. About a week later, I heard Koontz supposedly said, “No way! Not the Stephen King guy!” But most of the backlash I get is from the Kubrick fans who can’t believe that we remade THE SHINING. I take a lot of heat from them. But we just wanted to make something truer to the book. But, any negatives are far overweighed by the positives. Stephen is just an amazing and generous guy.
Prodigal Son volume 2 #4
March 5, 2011
Here’s the cover image for issue #4 of Prodigal Son volume 2. The folks at Bloody Disgusting have a complete review and additional images.
Midnight next for trade paperback treatment
March 5, 2011 is now listing a trade paperback edition of Midnight list-priced $16.00. No cover image is available yet.
What the Night Knows paperback details
February 27, 2011
No cover image yet but Amazon does now have a listing for the paperback edition of What the Night Knows. No word as to whether Darkness Under the Sun will be included in this edition.
I see dead people, keptin!
February 13, 2011
I’m sure he’ll do fine but the fresh memories of Anton Yelchin’s Russian accent as Chekov in 2009’s Star Trek, just wouldn’t leave my mind when I heard that he’s been cast in the upcoming Odd Thomas film. Do you think he’s right for the part?
Cheaper re-releases on their way
February 6, 2011
On April 26th, Bantam will be re-issuing the Dark Rivers of the Heart, Icebound, and Winter Moon mass-market paperbacks for just $5.99 each with special announcements as such on the covers.
Two more trade paperback re-releases on their way
February 6, 2011
Surfing around I just stumbled over the forthcoming trade paperback re-releases of The Eyes of Darkness and Hideaway coming out on April 5th and June 7th respectively. Both include Afterwords as with other previously releases in this series.
Three covers for Nevermore #2
February 5, 2011
According to Previews Issue 269 it looks like there’s going to be three different covers for Nevermore #2.
Borders bookmark ephemera
February 5, 2011
Found this at a Borders bookstore last night: