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What’s New & Updated October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021

Hey look, a solid amount of new content!
- Tomorrow And… #6 to Beastchild (Novella)
- From the Desk of Dean: He never stops
- Danish covers for The Bad Place, Cold Fire, Dark Rivers Of The Heart, Darkfall, The Door To December, Dragon Tears, False Memory, Fear Nothing, The House Of Thunder, Icebound, Intensity, Life Expectancy, The Mask, Midnight, Mr Murder, Night Chills, Odd Thomas, Phantoms, Seize The Night, The Servants Of Twilight, Sole Survivor, Strange Highways, Tick Tock, Velocity, The Vision, The Voice of the Night, Watchers, Whispers, and Winter Moon
- The 25th printing of the Headline mass market paperback of Sole Survivor has in interesting typo…
- Stalkers Dark Harvest ad in Mystery Scene #23.
Where can I find out what Dean has published in the last 3-4 years, and what he might be working on now? I scrolled around but couldn’t find that info. I haven’t received one of his newsletters for awhile, and wonder if I’ve missed anything. I just got the internet recently, and I’m just now trying to find the right website to follow him. Thank you.
Well, I’d like to think here. The blog/new is probably the best place to keep an eye out for what new I know about. Newest books? Check out Appendix H. As I’m made aware of forthcoming titles I do list them there then create individual entries. The Useless News page has a list of all those issues. You can use that to figure out if you have the most recent one. If you’re not getting them anymore, you’ll need to request via the address in the back on any recently printed book of Deans.