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Throwback Thursday: Children’s Hospital
June 1, 2023

What’s New & Updated May 28, 2023
May 28, 2023

A new newsletter and a new book about Dean. Don’t have the book in my collection yet, so details are minimal right now.
- From the Desk of Dean: Koontz readers are better looking and better smelling
- The Early Thrillers of Dean Koontz: Essays on the Evolution of a Writer, 1966-1997 to Appendix A
Throwback Thursday: The Husband condensed
May 25, 2023

What’s New & Updated May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023

Two small but interesting things this week, along with the correction found by an astute fan.
- Phantoms mylar movie poster
- Error correction: House of Night has been moved from Unpublished Works to a note for Demon Seed
- Unused trade paperback cover art for Detours
Throwback Thursday: Hideaway press kit
May 18, 2023

What’s New & Updated May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023

Just one small item this week but I do have a few interesting items in the queue for next week.
- A Twitter video from Dean about The House at the End of the World
Throwback Thursday: These Immigrants Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Green Cards!
May 11, 2023

What’s New & Updated May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023

Not sure if I mentioned this previously, but about a month ago, I spoke with Karen Heller from the Washington Post on background for her then-forthcoming article about Dean. The article is now out and linked below. (I am not mentioned.)
- By the Light of the Moon MP3-CD
- The Big Dark Sky Twitter banner
- “What scares master of suspense Dean Koontz? Plenty.” by Karen Heller to Appendix B
Throwback Thursday: Icebound UK Hardcover
May 4, 2023

What’s New & Updated April 30, 2023
April 30, 2023

I’m back from a long-planned vacation in Italy, and several days later, I’m almost recovered from jet lag. While I was gone, Amazon released the title of the next novel, The Bad Weather Friend, and Dean released a new column. Enjoy those, along with some other interesting finds.
- The Bad Weather Friend
- Italian trade paperback edition of Elsewhere
- The new Brilliance Audio edition of From the Corner of His Eye
- From the Desk of Dean: A letter to, and inspired by you, my dear readers
- A scene from the documentary Cum on Feel the Noise (2017) regarding the film version of The Funhouse.
- Photos of the UK cassette version of Space Museum
- Some interesting text from Swapper’s Convention
- “Taking Another Look at The Watcher” to Appendix G(2)
Il Codice
April 27, 2023

I just returned from a vacation in Tuscany, Italy, and picked up an Italian copy of Elsewhere. Sadly, this was the only Koontz book I could find in the several bookstores I stepped into.
Throwback Thursday: Vaughn Bode’s Erotica
April 27, 2023

Throwback Thursday: Science Fiction, Patterns in Literary Art
April 20, 2023

Throwback Thursday: Demon Seed on Beta
April 13, 2023

What’s New & Updated April 9, 2023
April 9, 2023

Just one update this week, but it’s a minor detail that’s been eluding me for years. In other news, updates may be non-existent for the next few weeks as I’ll be on a much-needed vacation. (On which I hope to come back with a few new additions to my Koontz collection.)
- New details regarding the unproduced 1989 film version of Phantoms
Throwback Thursday: Strangers proof
April 6, 2023

What’s New & Updated April 2, 2023
April 2, 2023

The list is short this week, but the content is huge. Previously to this week, collectors, including myself, were aware of this one issue of Central Pennsylvania Trend magazine containing “The Terrible Weapon” by Dean. However, all I’d ever seen was a photocopy of the cover and the story. Amazingly, there’s a mint copy on eBay right now. (You can look, but as of this writing, it’s going for more than $1500. I’m no longer bidding.)
However, what we’ve learned from this sale is that not only was Dean listed as an “Associate Editor” for this issue, but also there’s an article titled “R and X Ratings” by our old friend K.R. Dwyer!
Check out the entries and some additional related photos via the links below.
- Darkfall review in Science Fiction Chronicle #67
- Updated cover image for “The Terrible Weapon”
- “R and X Ratings” by K.R. Dwyer
- Dean as Associate Editor for Central Pennsylvania Trend, Jan/Feb 1972
Throwback Thursday: Dean Koontz in Second Life
March 30, 2023
What’s New & Updated March 26, 2023
March 26, 2023
Sorry, nothing new this week as I’m feeling a bit under the weather and my day job is kicking my butt. In the meantime enjoy this recent short video from Dean.
Throwback Thursday: Great Escapes New Designs for Home Theatres by Theo Kalomirakis
March 23, 2023