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What’s New & Updated October 4, 2021

October 4, 2021

A new column and a new ARC this week. Sadly I didn’t get to “Silence” so look forward to that soon.

Elsewhere in development for television

October 4, 2021

21 September 2021: “Fineman’s current development slate includes The Fall, a thriller inspired by the Albert Camus tale of the same name; Elsewhere, a drama series based on the book by bestselling author Dean Koontz; and Beautiful Strange, a character drama from writer Lara Radulovich.”

Source: Deadline

What’s New & Updated September 27, 2021

September 27, 2021

Minimal details on the new forthcoming audio-exclusinve short story and the next novel. More details on the latter next week.

“Silence” out September 28, 2010

September 14, 2021

Cue the complaints about it being audio-only…

Pre-order on Amazon now.

What’s New & Updated September 13, 2021

September 13, 2021

I’ll be at a work thing next Monday so the next update post will most likely not be until the 27th.

What’s New & Updated September 6, 2021

September 6, 2021

Two interviews and some finally framed original art.

  • Original cover art for A Darkness In my Soul
  • “Bookish with Sandra Tsing Loh, Lisa See, Peggy Orenstein and Dean Koontz” to Appendix B
  • “Putting the Heart in the Work: Close-up on Dean Koontz” to Appendix B

Dean’s books in Fear Street part 1?

September 6, 2021

Update 1/21/22:
Found them! Thanks to Dion Maher who has better eyes than I do.

Articles from Looper and Screen Rant both claim that among the Clancy, King, and Rice books in the B. Dalton’s Bookstore in the opening scenes are titles by Dean. I’ve looked and I just can’t find any. Does anyone else care to give it a try? Click on the screenshots below for the full-sized images and let me know if you find one.

Bing Quiz

September 1, 2021

Check out this question from today’s Bing quiz…

There was another question about which author’s are younger than Stephen of which Dean was an incorrect answer but I didn’t grab a screenshot of that one.

What’s New & Updated August 30, 2021

August 30, 2021

A handful of odds & ends this week.

The Book of Vaughn, Dean’s on the list

August 25, 2021

I backed and then asked about Dean being interviewed for The Book of Vaughn. Here’s Mr. Francis’ response:

What’s New & Updated August 23, 2021

August 23, 2021

Just details on the first limited edition in quite a while today. It’s not much but it is significant.

  • Devoted limited edition uncorrected proof
  • Devoted limited edition, updated details and photo

Devoted, SST Limited Edition photos

August 17, 2021

Devoted SST Limited Edition (3)

Click for more photos.

What’s New & Updated August 9, 2021

August 9, 2021

Apologies for skipping last week but the day job was just bonkers and I had no energy left for anything else.

  • Odd Hours publication date fixed in Appendix H (Thanks D. Brown!)
  • Putting the Heart in the Work: Close-up on Dean Koontz to Appendix B
  • Quicksilver cover and updated release date
  • Quentin Tarintono on The Funhouse

The Book of Vaughn

August 9, 2021

There’s a Kickstarter for The Book of Vaughn, a forthcoming documentary on Vaughn Bodē. No word on whether Dean’s involved (I’d put money on not) but it should definitely be worth your support.

Quicksilver cover, description, and release date update

August 4, 2021

Amazon is now listing a release date of January 25, 2022. They’ve also provided a cover image and story description…

#1 New York Times bestselling master of suspense Dean Koontz takes a surprising and exhilarating road trip with a man in pursuit of his strange past―mile by frightening mile.

Quinn Quicksilver was born a mystery―abandoned at three days old on a desert highway in Arizona. Raised in an orphanage, never knowing his parents, Quinn had a happy if unexceptional life. Until the day of “strange magnetism.” It compelled him to drive out to the middle of nowhere. It helped him find a coin worth a lot of money. And it practically saved his life when two government agents showed up in the diner in pursuit of him. Now Quinn is on the run from those agents and who knows what else, fleeing for his life.

During a shoot-out at a forlorn dude ranch, he finally meets his destined companions: Bridget Rainking, a beauty as gifted in foresight as she is with firearms, and her grandpa Sparky, a romance novelist with an unusual past. Bridget knows what it’s like to be Quinn. She’s hunted, too. The only way to stay alive is to keep moving.

Barreling through the Sonoran Desert, the formidable trio is impelled by that same inexplicable magnetism toward the inevitable. With every deeply disturbing mile, something sinister is in the rearview―an enemy that is more than a match for Quinn. Even as he discovers within himself resources that are every bit as scary.


What’s New & Updated July 26, 2021

July 26, 2021

Finally added a few of the early Locus issues missing from my collection. This allowed me to clarify two previous entries for some early published letters from Dean.

What’s New & Updated July 19, 2021

July 19, 2021

Getting back into the swing of things with just one small update and one interesting bit from a very early issue of Locus. Watch for two much more significant items from other early Locus issues next week.

Bookish with Sandra Tsing Loh, Lisa See, Peggy Orenstein and Dean Koontz

July 12, 2021

Happy 76th Birthday Dean

July 9, 2021

Quicksilver synopsis

July 3, 2021 has posted the synopsis for Quicksilver.

#1 New York Times bestselling master of suspense Dean Koontz takes a surprising and exhilarating road trip with a man in pursuit of his strange past―mile by frightening mile.

Quinn Quicksilver was born a mystery―abandoned at three days old on a desert highway in Arizona. Raised in an orphanage, never knowing his parents, Quinn had a happy if unexceptional life. Until the day of “strange magnetism.” It compelled him to drive out to the middle of nowhere. It helped him find a coin worth a lot of money. And it practically saved his life when two government agents showed up in the diner in pursuit of him. Now Quinn is on the run from those agents and who knows what else, fleeing for his life.

During a shoot-out at a forlorn dude ranch, he finally meets his destined companions: Bridget Rainking, a beauty as gifted in foresight as she is with firearms, and her grandpa Sparky, a romance novelist with an unusual past. Bridget knows what it’s like to be Quinn. She’s hunted, too. The only way to stay alive is to keep moving.

Barreling through the Sonoran Desert, the formidable trio is impelled by that same inexplicable magnetism toward the inevitable. With every deeply disturbing mile, something sinister is in the rearview―an enemy that is more than a match for Quinn. Even as he discovers within himself resources that are every bit as scary.