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What’s New & Updated June 21, 2021
June 21, 2021

A previously unplanned road trip this past week along and another (planned one) this coming week results in me not having much to announce this week and no planned update next week. Here’s hoping my life starts to re-stabilize in July.
- Dark Harvest 1992 Preview to Shadowfires (DRK)
- Possible error in The Other Emily
“Mobile library vans”?
June 18, 2021
Speaking as a librarian of 25+ years, I can confirm we still call them “bookmobiles.”

What’s New & Updated June 14, 2021
June 14, 2021

I’m back. As you all should know by now the second and last season of Nameless was released last week. All the info on both the eBook and audiobook versions have been updated.
- چشم های تاریکی cover image to The Eyes of Darkness
- From the Desk of Dean: Nameless: Read Them in Order, They’re Scarier That Way
- From the Desk of Dean: The Killer Finale
- Nameless Season 2
- Nameless s02e01: The Lost Soul of the City
- Nameless s02e02: Gentle Is the Angel of Death
- Nameless s02e03: Kaleidoscope
- Nameless s02e04: Light Has Weight, but Darkness Does Not
- Nameless s02e05: Corkscrew
- Nameless s02e06: Zero In
1 week until Nameless: Season 2
June 4, 2021
The first Persian translation of a Dean Koontz novel
May 19, 2021

Announced back in mid 2020, چشم های تاریکی (The Eyes of Darkness) is Dean’s first Persian translation published in Iran. Yesterday I finally received a copy to add to my collection. As I suspected there seems to be a reason that this was the title that was chosen. Here’s a (Google) translation of the blurb on the back of the book:
We have to go back to 20 months ago. A Chinese scientist named Li Chen became infected in the United States when he had a diskette containing information about China’s biological and dangerous weapons in the last decade. They named it Wuhan 400 because it was taken out of Wuhan RDNA Laboratory and was the 400th hand-made microorganism in the research center. The Wuhan 400 was a perfect weapon. It only affected humans and was not transmitted by animals. Like syphilis, it does not survive outside the body for more than a minute, meaning it cannot permanently infect objects or places such as anthrax or other deadly microorganisms. With the death of Mizian, it was destroyed and could not survive at temperatures below 30 degrees Celsius. All this advantage in one weapon
It was interesting….
What’s New & Updated May 17, 2021
May 17, 2021

There was a plan for this week but then Dean released the titles of the next six Nameless stories and the next novel. So yeah, plans change.
- From the Desk of Dean: Be warned!
- Nameless Season Two Episode One: The Lost Soul of the City
- Nameless Season Two Episode Two: Gentle Is the Angel of Death
- Nameless Season Two Episode Three: Kaleidoscope
- Nameless Season Two Episode Four: Light Has Weight, but Darkness Does Not
- Nameless Season Two Episode Five: Corkscrew
- Nameless Season Two Episode Six: Zero In
- Quicksilver
- While He Was Sleeping by Chris Johnson to Appendix G
Also, I’ve got a completely off-line vacation coming up so there’s a good chance of no more announcement posts until early June.
Nameless Season Two Titles and Release Date
May 11, 2021

Titles and a June 10 release date for the eBook versions are up on Amazon. They are:
- Episode One: The Lost Soul of the City
- Episode Two: Gentle Is the Angel of Death
- Episode Three: Kaleidoscope
- Episode Four: Light Has Weight, but Darkness Does Not
- Episode Five: Corkscrew
- Episode Six: Zero In
No covers yet nor information on audio editions yet but I’m assuming they’ll be released on the same day.
Links above are to the pages. Guide entries will be added over the next few days.
What’s New & Updated May 10, 2021
May 10, 2021

Excuses, excuses. Basically this week was a combination of large projects at the day job, another writing project due in a few days, and my just not felling it. I’ve got a whole bunch on deck but no promises. In the meantime I did get a response from Barry Hoffman at Gauntlet Press about that CD. You can read the details at the link below.
- A little bit of detail on the CD that came with the lettered edition of Through Shattered Glass
What’s New & Updated May 3, 2021
May 3, 2021

It’s always a great week when I get to fill a hole in my collection, especially with a lettered edition.
- Through Shattered Glass lettered edition photo of and updated notes for “Dave Silva: Person of Mystery”
- 1973 Rock at the Crossroads by Andrew Grant Jackson to Demon Seed (Film)
A new suspense thriller about a murder who only strikes at raves…
May 2, 2021

What’s New & Updated April 26, 2021
April 26, 2021

Odds & ends along with a piece of art well outside of my budget.
- New and additional excerpts from Midnight Movie Monographs: The Brood by Stephen R. Bissette to The Funhouse (Film) and Demon Seed (film)
- When a Stranger Comes to Town to Appendix F
- Unique woodcarving of the cover art for Santa’s Twin
Suspense Magazine, Spring 2021
April 26, 2021

The Spring 2021 issue of Suspense Magazine contains both a review of The Other Emily and an interview with Jonathan Kellerman. In the interview the “Koontz factor” comes up…
J.A.: Is there a place to see the Ted Danson version?
J.K.: I actually have no idea. Let me know if you guys can find it. (*) It was a good TV movie, and I thought the acting and directing was very good. It was also a lot of fun because it was shot here in L.A. Ted was a doll and it was a new experience for me because I got to go on set, etc. This is an interesting tidbit: Teddy was executive producing it and he really didn’t like the screenplay. My agent said to me, go in there and fix it. So, we sat in the office while Teddy and an actress read the script line by line out loud, and I rewrote the lines as they read them.
Like I said, I’m a social guy in my personal life, but when it comes to work, I like doing things by myself; I’m not really into collaboration. Dean Koontz is a friend of mine and is known for the fact that he does not like to leave his house. We shared the same agent for a time in Scandinavia, and I remember going to Dean’s house and always seeing him there, but nowhere else. I even remember going there and he was not happy about a trip he had to take to L.A. the next day. He hates to travel.J.R.: My wife and I went to his home for an interview with him; I definitely remember he had no interest in travelling.
J.K.: I understand the Koontz factor when it comes to business. In fact, the things I like to do are very “loner-type” things. Professionally, being a psychologist means sitting in the room with one person, or writing by myself; and even my hobbies, like classical guitar or painting, are solitary. A lot of writers will complain about the solitude of it all, but for me it’s fantastic because Faye and I raised four kids—we had a household full at one time of animals and children—and now we finally have that peace and quiet.
What’s New & Updated April 19, 2021
April 19, 2021

Sorry folks, things just got away from me last week. I’ve got a long weekend coming up so let’s see if I can make it up to you next week…
- From the Desk of Dean: Is April really the cruelest month?
- Additional details on who wrote which parts of The Monitor’s of Providence
Wordplay 2021: Dean Koontz & James Lee Burke
April 19, 2021

Dean Koontz (The Other Emily) and James Lee Burke (A Private Cathedral) together, at last! Two of the most prolific, bestselling, well-known writers in the country will be in conversation for the first time ever. Help us kick-off Wordplay with this historic event.
Note: Enhanced ticket buyers can join this event live on April 30, 7 p.m. CST and participate in the Q&A. The general public will be able to watch the recording on May 2, 7 p.m. CST.
Source: Wordplay 2021
What’s New & Updated April 5, 2021
April 5, 2021

Just a couple of items this week. For the record I do not have any opinion over the content over Mr. Myer’s book. Dean, blurbed it so I included it.
- Betrayed to Appendix F
- The Other Emily banner ad
- Return of the God Hypothesis by Stephen C. Meyer to Appendix D
Eyes of Darkness Facebook Fact Check
April 4, 2021
Now if only Twitter would do the same…
What’s New & Updated March 29, 2021
March 29, 2021

Well, release weeks always have a bunch of items to add. In this case it was mostly online events that Dean participated in recently. I was also able to fill a small hole in mu UK edition collection and Noah Mitchell found a bit of ephemera that I somehow missed all those years ago. Enjoy!
- Cage of Night by Ed Gorman to Appendix G
- From the Desk of Dean: The Other Emily – Available Now!
- Night Chills UK Headline HC cover
- The Other Emily
- Trade hardcover
- Promotional media
- Board and endpaper photos
- Differences between ARC & Trade HC
- Added to Appendix H
- Son of Endless Night (eBook) by John Farris to Appendix D
- Events to Appendix B
- A Conversation with Dean Koontz, Tuscon Festival of Books
- An Evening with Dean Koontz, Harrogate Festivals
- Dean Koontz in conversation with Michael Koryta
- Author live Series with Dean Koontz,
Nameless & other news from this week’s Poisoned Pen chat
March 28, 2021

This past Tuesday, March 23rd, Dean sat down with author Michael Kroyta for a Facebook live chat sponsored by The Poisoned Pen Bookstore. You can head on over to Facebook to watch the whole thing (embedding isnt’ working for some reason,) but here’s the important news that came out of this event.
- There will be more limited editions “eventually” just not right now while he works with this new publisher.
- Six more Nameless stories (Season 2) are in the works. Once those have been published as Amazon exclusive eBooks and audiobooks, there are plans for a single-volume print edition of all twelve stories.
- The rights for additional Odd Thomas films have reverted to Dean.
- There is a dog in the next book. (He did not say what the title of the next book is.
What’s New & Updated March 22, 2021
March 22, 2021

Be sure to check out the neat little note on the Dark Harvest trade hardcover edition of The Servants of Twilight for an nice little conundrum.
- Number of ARC, Trade, PC, and reprint copies (as relevant) released by Dark Harvest for each the following titles:
- The Eyes of Darkness (along with a release date correction and a photo of the lettered edition)
- The Servants of Twilight
- Shadowfires
What’s New & Updated March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
There are updates this week but you just can’t see them here. Turns out I never actually published last week’s update post so I just combined last week’s and this weeks into the now published March 8th post. The next update with new content will be on the 22nd.
In the meantime check out Dean’s recent interview as part of the Tucson Festival of Books by clicking on the image below.